Amber Whitworth-Spigner Amber Whitworth-Spigner

A Dying Breed, Farmers and Ranchers

By Emma Williamson - Sept, 25, 2023

Downtown Sanger Farmers Market

Farmers and ranchers have played a large role in this country since the Mayflower arrived on North American soil. However, farmers and ranchers have been on their decline for a while now for a plethora of reasons. What some don’t realize is that farmers and ranchers provide for everyone. The produce on the shelves of markets wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for our farmers and meat wouldn’t be there on the shelves without the production of ranchers.

Why are they on their decline?

Based on USDA records, farming and ranching has declined to 2 million farms in 2022 whereas in 2007 there were 2.20 million farms. Farming and ranching has many reasons for decline. One reason being the economy. It has been rapidly changing, farmers and ranchers cannot keep up with the increasing prices of animal feed, hay, pesticides, and even bedding to keep their animals cool during the summer and warm in the winter. According to the USDA, the price of feed corn in in 2016/17 was $4 per bushel and around $80 per ton. Almost 5 years later in 2021/22 prices have been raised to $6 a bushel and $150 per ton. There is a clear rise in pricing. Farmers and ranchers cannot keep up with the rising prices with how many of these resources they use daily. It has become unreasonable and many ranchers have shut their operations down.

Farmers and Ranchers Can’t Die Out on America

Like many know, farmers and ranchers are our providers for the most common thing, food. They also provide animal bi-products. Animal bi-products can be made from hair and skin from livestock. Things made from the skin and hair are things like cosmetics, glue/school supplies, and many more. Most of the female population uses cosmetics and most students use school supplies. Many farmers’ crops that aren’t used for human consumption are turned into livestock rations. However, that is not the main point. Farmers and Ranchers are the backbone of America. We simply would not have anyone to provide food, clothing, and even homes for the country if all farmers and ranchers just up and quit. We NEED farmers or we would fall into a large deficiency.

In short, farmers and ranchers are needed in this country. Remember to always love, encourage, and support your farmers and ranchers. Local or large production farms and ranch they all provide for you and your country. Don’t let them be on the extinction list and keep them from dying out!

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